Problem: Running DOS programs under pc/OS 5.1 Solution: Although pc/OS 5.1 doesn't support the execution of DOS programs, if you run pc/OS 5.1 from DOS or Windows, you can with a helper program called DOSRUN. DOSRUN is a copy of the MS-DOS Command Prompt, programmed for execution under pc/OS 5.1. To use DOSRUN, copy to your pc/OS folder and from the Programs menu, select Run and type in DOSRUN or from the Console, type RUN DOSRUN. Once in DOSRUN, type in normal MS-DOS commands or the name of the DOS program you wish to run. pc/OS 5.1 compliant programs should run without a problem from DOSRUN. To exit DOSRUN, type EXIT. NOTE: This program is not needed for pc/OS, as it is built into the Console. DOS has to be installed.